Pros and Cons of Employing Family in a Home Business
The pros and cons of employing family can be a big issue for a woman who wishes to become a successful entrepreneur. Even more than for man, the power woman will want to improve the prospects of a happy and fulfilling working life for family members. Therefore, deciding whether to employ family in a home […]
Hassle-Free Home Purchase – The Power Woman’s Strategy
Easy home purchase, and how some do achieve it. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to manage the process of relocating their home in their stride. They do it reasonably quickly, and apparently with minimal drama? We think that it is that the successful, low stress property re-locators follow the […]
How to Avoid an Exploitative Home Improvement Contractor 7 Tips for Women
Home Improvement Contractor’s nowadays continue to be dominated by men, and therein lies an increasing problem with how to avoid an exploitative home improvement contractor. Women are easy to exploit during home improvement projects. More and more women are living alone, and yet they are if anything more focused than ever on the condition of […]
Melinda Gates and Her $3.6 Billion/yr Give-away – A Top Power Woman
Melinda Gates must surely be considered one of the most powerful women on the earth and as well is most likely to be the one ablest to directly wield her power unfettered, and in the way she thinks is best. She does not need to convince a political party to adopt her ideas, not even […]
How to Become a Power Woman and Rise to the Top
It is often said that as a woman in business, you will need to be better than male colleagues before you stand a chance to get into the top posts. Our vision of a power woman is one who will have the strength to break through all glass ceilings, and reach the top. By the […]