Hassle-Free Home Purchase – The Power Woman’s Strategy

Easy home purchase, and how some do achieve it. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to manage the process of relocating their home in their stride. They do it reasonably quickly, and apparently with minimal drama?

We think that it is that the successful, low stress property re-locators follow the following strategy, they know their mind and they refuse to let the inevitable small problems obscure their minds from the big-picture.

We suggest that you follow the useful tips we explain in this article, and apply them during your house move. It will help to make the process move forward for you, and do that with reduced stress.

Take Time and Make an Effort to Select a Realtor that Understands Your Needs

Research your realtor, and ask around about their performance. We are assuming that as a power woman you already possess a valuable property. A home that stands out from the crowd. So, why settle for a realtor who normally sells low priced houses which are little more than boxes?

The power woman finds a realtor with a real ability to assess properties for their market and truly market your property into the target market of buyers. This needs a person with experience and drive, and then a gift for closing a deal.

This way, your realtor will not be cheap, but will be effective.

Get Your Mortgage Offer Lined Up and Ready

The power woman making a home purchase, doesn’t look at a single property until she has the mortgage funds sitting waiting. This person will be ready to ask her financier to draw funds against it without delay. The power woman will be ready sign a deal within 24 hours of viewing a property.

That way, these buyers get the property they want, not those that are left-over on the market. Sometimes, a great property can be bought within hours of going on the market. You can bet that those are total bargains. Don’t risk losing a home purchase, just for a lack of up front work having been done to obtain a mortgage offer, in advance, .

Have a Home Inspector Ready to Quickly Go and Look at the Property

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Source : dickoatts.com

Again, the best home purchases sell quickly. They get snapped up! So, get a home inspector primed to take your call within minutes of leaving any “dream home” viewing, on which you have agreed a “Subject to Contract’ price, with the seller.

The power woman knows that to try to save money by not having a home Condition Assessment and report, is almost always a false saving.

Decide Whether You Are Seeking a Fixed or an Adjustable Rate Mortgage

Be aware that although you may have received a mortgage offer, there is still a further decision to make, and that is around the choice of fixed and adjustable rate mortgages.

Don’t risk your home purchase being slowed down after you clinch a deal with your seller by the considerations of fixed and adjustable rate mortgages.

Read up on this and take independent advice on this before you arrange the home inspection to take place rapidly after your provisional  purchase price agreement, but before you actually buy the home.

Decide on your Buying Strategy and Negotiate

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No power woman overlooks an opportunity to avoid spending more than she needs to! Making any home purchase is a huge opportunity to save money. Once you have the home inspector’s property condition report in your hands, go back to the seller. Tell them about any defects and forthcoming maintenance costs which the inspection has revealed. Ask for a reduction to help you complete the repairs.

Many homes need work done to them, and when this happens it has become perfectly acceptable to go back to the seller, via their realtor. You talk to the realtor, and ask for a reduction in the price. When the seller is shown the amount of work that is needed, they will often be prepared to reduce the price to cover that cost.

Don’t Overstretch Your self and Get Into Trouble Repaying

Only make a home purchase that you can afford to pay for. To do overstretch yourself on repayments is a recipe for hard-times, and heart-ache.

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Source : tamykawashington.com

Take a cool look at your monthly outgoings and other costs. There are calculators online which cost nothing and help home buyers calculate how much spare cash they earn which is available to pay out for a new home.

It really pays off to study one of those. Do that before you decide what monthly mortgage repayments you will be able to afford.

Be Flexible and if Necessary be Prepared to Live Outside Your Normal Area

Finally, many people are surprisingly unwilling to look at properties outside their normal neighbourhoods. That can be a big mistake because neighbourhoods constantly improve and others deteriorate and fall down the grading.

An, up and coming neighbourhood, may offer lower prices, and yet actually prove to be a more pleasant area to live in over the next 5 to 20 years. Even the same house in a cheaper neighbourhood, if available, may prove a better home purchase because, while still within budget it would be possible to do a number of improvements to it. These improvements would effectively come, free of charge!

Successful Home Purchase – Conclusion

By buying wisely into neighbourhoods which are well established, and not overly dependent on one large employer is also likely to prove to be a very good investment when you come to selling a property.

By following the advice explained in this article, we think that you find it easier to buy the home of your dreams.

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