Image shows a man showing his PMP exam pass.

Failed to Pass PMP Exam? Tips on Passing PMP Make-up Examination

Many candidates are worried about the PMP exam, or worse, have failed to pass their PMP Exam? So, here we bring you our tips on passing the PMP Make-up Examination to become a certified Project Management Professional. They ask whether they can take the make-up exam if they fail to pass for the first time. Therefore, today, we will talk about the PMP make-up exam as part of the SPOTO mission to help all candidates like you pass their IT certification exams fast, and easily.

Positive Attitude Toward PMP Exam

Firstly, all exams including PMP are an approach to test how well you have learned. The exam cannot present all things. Getting a good exam result not only requires adequate knowledge reserve but a positive attitude. Thus, we must maintain a good state of mind before taking the PMP certification exam.

Don’t give up if you fail to pass for the first time. We should work harder to prepare, reading books and doing exercises.

Image text: "Failed to Pass PMP Exam - Tips".

Information about PMP Make-up Exam

The followings are necessary information about the PMP make-up exam:

There are two approaches to submitting the PMP exam fee, one is to directly pay on the official website. Another is to check in the registration system to pay by credit card.

The first-time exam fee for PMP certification is around USD594, USD380 or so for the make-up test. It is predicted that January, April, July and November are the times to pay exam fees.

You have to firstly register on the PMI website. The validity of registration is one year. That is to say, within one year, you can take the PMP certification exam. There are four times to take the exam each year. If you register in January, then you can take the exam in March. If you fail in March, you can take the make-up test in June. In other words, you can take three make-up exams a year.

Is Project Management Professional Exam Difficult?

PMP test questions are designed for project management professionals. It is released by PMI widely used worldwide. The average passing rate is above 85%. If you don’t have time to study on your own, you can join in a PMP certification training provided by institutions like SPOTO. On average, the passing rate can reach above 90%. Following the training schedule step by step, it is not difficult to pass the exam.

Tips on Project Management Professional Exam Prep

PMBOK should be read twice or more. The first time for extensive reading, the second for intensive reading. The third time to review before the exam. After reading the materials, you should do exercises combined with the knowledge of books. Reading books only cannot figure out your problems. Only by doing exercises, can you find your weak points and correct mistakes.

In short, it is no big deal to fail for the first. We should reflect on the reasons for failing and spend enough time preparing for the make-up test. Remember to keep the knowledge of books firmly in mind and do exercises with a specific purpose. Perseverance brings victory.

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